Why Your Neural Net is Uncertain in Different Ways

Neural networks are riddled with uncertainty. After feeding an input through a neural network to retrieve an output, we cannot be sure that the output we got is a correct description of reality. Moreover, the uncertainty of a neural network needs to be separated into two different kinds:

Five Paradoxes With Probabilities That Will Puzzle You

In our daily life, we constantly deal with uncertain situations. So — at least subconsciously — we are confronted with probabilities all the time. Moreover, it seems we have a good intuitive feeling for probabilities. Or do we really?

Quantum Computer Coin Flips in Python Are Pure Fun

Quantum computers can generate truly random numbers. That’s something a traditional computer cannot do without relying on external sources. Traditional computers can only generate numbers that appear to be random but in reality, are computed according to fixed rules.

What Really IS a Matrix Determinant?

As a PhD researcher, it is crucial for my job to quickly code up an idea to see if it works or not. Python is an excellent tool enabling just that. It allows for focusing on the idea itself and not be bothered with boilerplate code and other tedious things.

Run Your Python Code as Fast as C

As a PhD researcher, it is crucial for my job to quickly code up an idea to see if it works or not. Python is an excellent tool enabling just that. It allows for focusing on the idea itself and not be bothered with boilerplate code and other tedious things.

Monads Are Just Fancy Semicolons

Monads are programmable semicolons. That’s it. For a programmer, a monad provides functions that allow for sequencing actions. Moreover, between every two following actions, a specific code snippet is executed.

The One-Sentence Proof in Multiple Sentences

Can prime numbers be written as the sum of two squares? For 13 this is possible (2²+3²), but for example, 3 cannot be written in this way. Pierre de Fermat came up with a theorem on this topic, for which Don Zagier, an American mathematician gave a proof, which astonishingly is just one sentence long.

Why knowing the future would crash the economy

Game theory is a branch of mathematics with a lot of applications. Especially in economics, game theory plays a very important role. That’s the reason why a lot of mathematicians are presented with the Nobel prize in economics. A widely known example is John Forbes Nash, who’s life is illustrated in the movie “A beautiful mind”.